邮编 201632


1.   Chen Wen-Hong, Tian Dai-Ke, Radbouchoom Sirilak, Xiao Yan, Cong Yi-Yan, Guo Shi-Wei, Shui Yu-Min. Miscellaneous notes on Begonia medogensis (Begoniaceae). Phytotaxa. 2018. 381(1). 100-106

2.   Han Yan-Li, Tian Dai-Ke*, Fu Nai-Feng, Xiao Yan, Li Zong-Yun, Han Yong-Hua*. Comparative analysis of rDNA distribution in 29 species of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum Irmsch. Phytotaxa. 2018. 381(1). 141-152

3.   Hu Chao, Yang Hongxing, Jiang Kai, Wang Ling, Yang Boyun, Hsieh Tungyu, Lan Siren*, Huang Weichang*. Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers by using de novo transcriptome assembly of Calanthe masucaand C. sinica (Orchidaceae). BMC Genomics. 2018. 19(1)

4.   Huang Wei-ChangWang Zhen-Wei, Wei Neng, Zhu Jiao, Lan Si-Ren*, Hu Guang-Wan*, Wang Qing-Feng. Gastrodia elatoides (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Gastrodieae), a new holomycoheterotrophic orchid from Madagascar. Phytotaxa. 2018. 349(2). 167-172

5.   Jiang Kai, Tsang Po-Keung Eric, Xu Na-Na, Chen Xiao-yong*. High genetic diversity and strong differentiation in dramatically fluctuating populations of Zostera japonica (Zosteraceae): implication for conservation. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2018. 11(5). 789-797

6.   Jiang Min, Chu Zhaoqing*. Comparative analysis of plant MKK gene family reveals novel expansion mechanism of the members and sheds new light on functional conservation. BMC Genomics. 2018. 19(1)

7.   Jiang Min, Niu Chao, Cao Jianmei, Ni Di-an, Chu Zhaoqing*. In silico-prediction of proteinprotein interactions network about MAPKs and PP2Cs reveals a novel docking site variants in Brachypodium distachyon.Scientific Reports. 2018. 8(1)

8.         Knollenberg Benjamin J., Liu Jingjing, Yu Shu, Lin Hong, Tian Li*. Cloning and functional characterization of a p-coumaroyl quinate/shikimate 3-hydroxylase from potato (Solanum tuberosum). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2018. 496(2). 462-467

9.   Li Chao, Haslam Tegan M., Krüger Anna, Schneider Lizette M., Mishina Kohei, Samuels Lacey, Yang Hongxing, Kunst Ljerka, Schaffrath Ulrich, Nawrath Christiane, Chen Guoxiong, Komatsuda Takao, von Wettstein-Knowles Penny*. The β-Ketoacyl-CoA Synthase HvKCS1, Encoded by Cer-zh, Plays a Key Role in Synthesis of Barley Leaf Wax and Germination of Barley Powdery Mildew. Plant & cell physiology. 2018. 59(4). 806

10. Li Chun, Chen Jun-Lin, Li Yong-Yong, Tian Dai-Ke*. Genetic diversity of Begonia versicolor (Begoniaceae), a narrow endemic species in southeast Yunnan of China. Taiwania. 2018. 63(1). 49-53

11. Li Yinjia, Zuo Sheng, Zhang Zhiliang, Li Zhanjie, Han Jinlei, Chu Zhaoqing, Hasterok Robert, Wang Kai*. Centromeric DNA characterization in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon provides insights on the evolution of the genus. The Plant Journal. 2018. 93(6). 1088-1101

12.      Peng Jieying, Zhou Yuhao, Zhang Zhiyu, Wang Zhiming, Gao Lingtong, Zhang Xiao, Fang Zhou, Li Guangyao, Chen Huaiyan, Yang Hongxing, Gao Lu*. The detrimental effects of glucocorticoids exposure during pregnancy on offsprings cardiac functions mediated by hypermethylation of bone morphogenetic protein-4. Cell Death & Disease. 2018. 9(8)

13. Tian Daike*, Xiao Yan, Tong Yi, Fu Naifeng, Liu Qingqing, Li Chun. Diversity and conservation of Chinese wild begonias. Plant Diversity. 2018. 40(3). 75-90

14. Tian Xiu, Ruan Ju-Xin, Huang Jin-Quan, Yang Chang-Qing, Fang Xin, Chen Zhi-Wen, Hong Hui, Wang Ling-Jian, Mao Ying-Bo, Lu Shan, Zhang Tian-Zhen*, Chen Xiao-Ya*. Characterization of gossypol biosynthetic pathway.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018. 115(23). E5410-E5418

15. Vílchez Juan Ignacio, Tang Qiming, Kaushal Richa, Wang Wei, Lv Suhui, He Danxia, Chu Zhaoqing, Zhang Heng, Liu Renyi, Zhang Huiming*. Genome Sequence of Bacillus megaterium Strain YC4-R4, a Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacterium Isolated from a High-Salinity Environment. Genome Announcements. 2018. 6(25). e518-e527

16. Vílchez Juan Ignacio, Tang Qiming, Kaushal Richa, Wang Wei, Lv Suhui, He Danxia, Chu Zhaoqing, Zhang Heng, Liu Renyi, Zhang Huiming*. Complete Genome Sequence of Bacillus megaterium Strain TG1-E1, a Plant Drought Tolerance-Enhancing Bacterium. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2018. 7(12)

17.      Wang Bei, Lv Xue-Qi, He Ling, Zhao Qian, Xu Mao-Sheng, Zhang Lei, Jia Yin, Zhang Fan, Liu Feng-Luan*, Liu Qing-Lin. Whole-Transcriptome Sequence Analysis of Verbena bonariensis in Response to Drought Stress.International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018. 19(6). 1751

18. Wang Hongxia, Wang Chengyuan, Fan Weijuan, Yang Jun, Appelhagen Ingo, Wu Yinliang, Zhang Peng*. A novel glycosyltransferase catalyses the transfer of glucose to glucosylated anthocyanins in purple sweet potato.Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018. 69(22). 5445-5459

19. Wu Sheng, Tian Li*. A new flavone glucoside together with known ellagitannins and flavones with anti-diabetic and anti-obesity activities from the flowers of pomegranate (Punica granatum). Natural product research. 2018. 1-6

20.      Xu Jing-Jing, Fang Xin, Li Chen-Yi, Zhao Qing, Martin Cathie, Chen Xiao-Ya, Yang Lei*. Characterization ofArabidopsis thaliana Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Reductases in the Tyrosine Conversion Pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018. 901305

21. Yao Zujie, Sun Lina, Wang Yuqian, Lin Ling, Guo Zhuang, Li Dong, Lin Wenxiong, Lin Xiangmin*. Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Antibiotics Resistance Function of Outer Membrane Proteins in Aeromonas hydrophilaFrontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2018. 8

22. Yao Zujie, Guo Zhuang, Wang Yuqian, Li Wanxin, Fu Yuying, Lin Yuexu, Lin Wenxiong, Lin Xiangmin*. Integrated Succinylome Profiling and Metabolomics Reveal Crucial Role of S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase in Quorum Sensing and Metabolism of Aeromonas hydrophilaMolecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2018.

23.      Yu Shu, Tian Li*. Breeding Major Cereal Grains through the Lens of Nutrition Sensitivity. Molecular Plant. 2018. 11(1). 23-30

24. Yu Shuo, Liu Songlin, Jiang Zhijian, Jiang Kai, Zhang Jingping, Wu Yunchao, Huang Chi, Huang Xiaoping*, Zhao Chunyu, Trevathan-Tackett Stacey M. Population genetic structure of the threatened tropical seagrass Enhalus acoroides in Hainan Island, China. Aquatic Botany. 2018. 150. 64-70

25.      Zeng Xinhua, Song Yigang, Zhang Wanjun, He Shengbing. Spatio-temporal Variation of Soil Respiration and Its Driving Factors in Semi-arid Regions of North China. Chinese Geographical Science. 2018. 28(1). 12-24

26. Zhao Bo, Cao Jun Feng, Hu Guan Jing, Chen Zhi Wen, Wang Lu Yao, Shangguan Xiao Xia, Wang Ling Jian, Mao Ying Bo, Zhang Tian Zhen, Wendel Jonathan F.*, Chen Xiao Ya*. Core ciselement variation confers subgenomebiased expression of a transcription factor that functions in cotton fiber elongation. New Phytologist. 2018. 218(3). 1061-1075

27. Zhao Qing, Cui Meng-Ying, Levsh Olesya, Yang Dongfeng, Liu Jie, Li Jie, Hill Lionel, Yang LeiHu Yonghong, Weng Jing-Ke, Chen Xiao-Ya, Martin Cathie*. Two CYP82D Enzymes Function as Flavone Hydroxylases in the Biosynthesis of Root-Specific 4-Deoxyflavones in Scutellaria baicalensisMolecular Plant. 2018. 11(1). 135-148

28. Zhao Qing, Yang Jun, Liu Jie, Cui Mengying, Fang Yuming, Qiu Wengqing, Shang Huiwen, Xu Zhicheng, Wei Yukun, Yang Lei, Hu YongHong, Chen Xiao-Ya, Martin Cathie*. A draft reference genome sequence forScutellaria baicalensis Georgi. bioRxiv. 2018.

29. 付乃峰赵斌田代科*不同LED光照强度对盾叶秋海棠生长的影响农业科学. 2018. 08(09). 1007-1014

30. 蒋凯高辉陈小勇海南岛海菖蒲种群克隆多样性和遗传结构应用生态学报. 2018. 29(02). 397-402

31. 金爱芳叶康陈夕雨罗卷张颖胡永红*基于BIB-LCJ法的芍药花境植物配植研究西北林学院学报. 2018. 33(02). 231-237

32. 刘凤栾秦密张大生刘青青陈煜初田代科*基于形态特征和EST-SSR标记比较分析荷花洒锦系品种的差异分子植物育种. 2018. 16(05). 1607-1618

33. 闵睫向言词*田代科*荷花切花消费需求及市场潜力分析安徽农业科学. 2018. 46(22). 212-217

34. 秦密刘凤栾张大生田代科*荷花由单瓣到千瓣的演化及调控机制探讨自然杂志. 2018. 40(03). 218-223

35.      王程旺梁跃龙张忠廖文波黄卫昌杨柏云*江西省兰科植物新记录森林与环境学报. 2018. 38(03). 367-371

36.      卫俨, 李梅兰朱木兰*. 多肉植物离体再生研究进展生物资源. 2018. 40(04). 308-313

37. 卫俨张紫娟李梅兰*胡永红朱木兰*牡丹子叶离体再生研究湖北农业科学. 2018. 57(07). 117-121

38.      杨梦洁张大生陈青田代科*刘凤栾付乃峰吴少华*瓦氏秋海棠(Begonia wallichiana Lehm.)的遗传转化分子植物育种. 2018. 16(14). 4632-4637

39. 易玲张之鹏黄卫昌罗火林熊冬金杨柏云*基于单纯形重心设计铁皮石斛栽培基质的优化南昌大学学报(理科版). 2018. 42(03). 253-257

40. 张紫娟侯雷平, 朱木兰*. 多肉植物糯玉露离体再生影响因子研究生物资源. 2018. 40(03). 226-231


1.       孔羽,魏宇昆,杨蕾一种中草药祛痘修复组合物及其制备方法发明专利号: ZL201510782637.5 (授权)

2.       袁军辉,胡永红张林娟,刘洪峰,杜少博,宣亚楠,王云鹏.一种快速确定牡丹花粉母细胞减数分裂时期的方法发明专利号:ZL201410649179.3 (授权)

3.       杨洪星,王令,金恩由,张霞,董海鸿,庄海燕一种建兰花叶病毒株系的克隆及其转录载体构建,发明专利申请号201811379007.3

4.       曾歆花,倪子轶,邵丽,周翔宇,黄卫昌。一种白及种子便捷播种和种苗快速回土的方法,发明专利申请号:201810732807.2

5.       刘青青,田代科,张大生,刘凤栾,秦密,闵睫,一种利用成熟莲胚进行快繁的方法,2018,专利申请号:201810274946.5


       Zhang P*, Fan W, Wang H, Wu Y, Zhou W, Yang J (2018) Developing new sweet potato varieties with improved performance. In: Wang-Pruski G (Ed.) Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 1, Breeding improved varieties. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge UK.

       Amir, R., Holland, D. and Tian, L. (2018) What can we learn about the traits of aril juice by studying wide collections of diverse pomegranate fruits? in: Siddiqui, R.A., Akbar, M. (Eds.), Pomegranate: Cultivation, Composition, Antioxidant Properties, and Health Benefits. Nova, New York, pp. 203-230.


       胡永红,韩继刚 江南牡丹——资源、栽培及应用北京:科学出版社. 2018.

       肖月娥,胡永红 花菖蒲——资源保护与品种鉴赏北京:科学出版社. 2018





1.         中国观赏园艺年度特别荣誉奖(2018)(胡永红)

2.         卫志明青年创新奖(2018)(杨俊)

3.         中国科学院青年创新促进会会员(2018)(杨俊)