邮编 201632



研究组长:黄卫昌 副园长、教授级高工
传  真:021-67657800
邮  箱:huangweichang@csnbgsh.cn

  黄卫昌,男,博士,教授级高工,1971年生。博士毕业于福建农林大学,主要从事兰科植物资源评价、种质创新和保育工作。近年来主持或参与中国科学院、国家林草局、上海市科委、农委、建交委等科研攻关项目20余项。在Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution、Journal of Biogeography 和Journal of fungi等国内外主流期刊上发表论文50余篇,主编或参编《兰花的鉴赏与评审》等专著5部,国际登录新品种8个(其中1个杂交属)。授权发明专利1项。




  1. 非洲重要植物资源的基因组学与保育研究;

  2. 兜兰属的系统发育和杂交渐渗研究;

  3. 蒙自兰迁地保育适应机理研究;

  4. 兰科贝母兰亚族代表性物种谱系地理学研究


  1. Wei-chang Huang, Zhong-jian Liu, Kai Jiang, Yi-bo Luo, Xiao-hua Jin, Ze Zhang, Ru-hua Xu, John Kumau Muchuku, Stanely S Musungwa, Tomohisa Yukawa, Wei Wang, Xin-hua Zeng, Hui-ming Zhang, You-ming Cai, Chao Hu*, Si-ren Lan*. Phylogenetic analysis and character evolution of tribe Arethuseae (Orchidaceae) reveal a new genus Mengzia. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2022, 167: 107362.

  2. Zheng-wei Wang, Yi Zhang, Ze Zhang, Xiao-chen Li, Zhi-jin Wu, Lan Yan, Ai-xian Lu, Cheng-zhi Xie, Chao Hu*, Wei-chang Huang*. Liparis macrosepala (Orchidaceae), a new species from southwest China with its phylogenetic position. PhytoKeys, 2022, 210: 67–77.

  3. Hao Fu, Zhi-lin Song, Shan-min Li, Si-ren Lan, Xin-hua Zeng*, Wei-chang Huang*. Effects of bamboo forest type and density on the growth of Bletilla striata and root endophytic Fungi. Diversity, 2022, 14, 391.

  4. Chao Hu, Kai Jiang, Xin-hua Zeng, Wei-chang Huang* (2022). The complete chloroplast genome sequence of a critically endangered orchid Paphiopedilum gratrixianum (Orchidaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7(4): 609-610.

  5. Kai Jiang, Xin Tong, Yan-qian Ding, Zheng-wei Wang, Li-yuan Miao, Yue-e Xiao, Wei-chang Huang,Yong-hong Hu, Xiao-yong Chen*. Shifting roles of the East China Sea in the phylogeography of red nanmu in East Asia. Journal of Biogeography, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14215

  6. TaoWan#, Zhi-ming Liu, Ilia J. Leitch, Hai-ping Xin, Gillian Maggs-Kölling, Yanbing Gong, Zhen Li, Wei-chang Huang, Kai Jiang, et al. The Welwitschia genome reveals a unique biology underpinning extreme longevity in deserts. Nature communications, 2021, 12, 4247.

  7. Xinhua Zeng, Ziyi Ni, Haixin Diao, Kai Jiang, Chao Hu, Li Shao, Weichang Huang* (2021). Root endophytic fungal community and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope patterns differ among Bletilla species (Orchidaceae). Journal of Fungi 7, 69.

  8.  Xinhua Zeng, Haixin Diao, Ziyi Ni, Li Shao, Kai Jiang, Chao Hu, Qingjun Huang, Weichang Huang* (2021). Temporal variation in community composition of root associated endophytic fungi and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope abundance in two Bletilla species (Orchidaceae). Plants 10, 18.

  9. Chao Hu, Kai Jiang, Xinhua Zeng, Weichang Huang* (2021). The complete chloroplast genome sequence of a critically endangered orchid Paphiopedilum gratrixianum (Orchidaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B(已接收).

  10. Kai Jiang, Liyuan Miao, Zhengwei Wang, Ziyi Ni, Chao Hu, Xinhua Zeng, Weichang Huang* (2020). Chloroplast Genome Analysis of Two Medicinal Coelogyne spp. (Orchidaceae). Shed Light on the Genetic Information, Comparative Genomics, and Species Identification. Plants 9, 1332.

  11. Kai Jiang., Xiaoyong Chen, Miaomiao Shi & Shuo Yu *. (2020). Small clones dominate a population of the short-lived perennial seagrass Zostera japonica. Aquatic Botany, 164, 103229.

  12. Boyun Yang, Huolin Luo, Weichang Huang, Dongjin Xiong, Shaolin Tan, Bo Li (2020). Calanthe sieboldopsis (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Collabieae), a new species from Luoxiao Mountains, eastern China. PhytoKeys 145: 37-45. 

  13. Liyuan Miao, Chao Hu, Weichang Huang, Kai Jiang* (2019). Chloroplast genome structure and phylogenetic position of Calanthe sylvatica (Thou.) Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4(2): 2625-2626.

  14. Kai Jiang *, Zhengwei Wang, Weichang Huang, Yonghomg Hu (2019). Characterization of two complete chloroplast genomes of Lindera megaphylla (Lauraceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4(2): 2851-2852.

  15. Yu Shuo, Miaomiao Shi, Kai Jiang* (2019). Chloroplast genome structure and phylogenetic position of Ruppia sinensis Shuo Yu & den Hartog. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4(2): 2916-2917.

  16. Nana Xu, Kai Jiang, SR Biswas, Xin Tong, Rong Wang, Xiaoyong Chen* (2019). Clone configuration and spatial genetic structure of two Halophila ovalis populations with contrasting internode lengths. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7(5): 1-13.

  17. Yuee Xiao, Dongmei Jin, Kai Jiang, Yonghong Hu, Xin Tong, SJ Mazer, Xiaoyong Chen* (2019). Pollinator limitation causes sexual reproductive failure in ex situ populations of self-compatible Iris ensata. Plant Ecology & Diversity 12(1): 21-35.

  18. Weichang Huang, Zhenwei Wang, Neng Wei, Jiao Zhu, Siren Lan, Guangwan Hu* and Qingfeng Wang* (2018). Gastrodia elatoides (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Gastrodieae), a new holomycoheterotrophic orchid from Madagascar. Phytotaxa 349(2): 167-172.

  19. Chao Hu, Hongxing Yang, Kai Jiang, Ling Wang, Boyun Yang, Tungyu Hsieh, Siren Lan* and Weichang Huang* (2018). Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers by using de novo transcriptome assembly of Calanthe masuca and C. sinica (Orchidaceae). BMC Genomics 19(1): 800.

  20. Kai Jiang,Po-Keung Eric Tsang,Nana Xu,Xiaoyong Chen* (2018). High genetic diversity and strong differentiation in dramatically fluctuating populations of Zostera japonica (Zosteraceae): implication for conservation. Journal of Plant Ecology 11(5): 789-797.

  21. Weichang Huang, Kai Jiang*, Chao Hu, Yuee Xiao, BC Seyler, Yuanyuan Li. A new set of microsatellite primers for Coelogyne fimbriata (Orchidaceae) and cross-amplification in C. ovalis (2017). Applications in Plant Sciences 5(5): apps.1700025. doi:10.3732/apps.1700025.

  22. 付浩#, 曾歆花, 宋志琳, 兰思仁, 黄卫昌*. 三种城市景观竹土壤微生物群落结构特征. 土壤, 2022. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1118.P.20220426.1814.002.html

  23. 刁海欣,黄卫昌*,曾歆花,黄清俊. 黄花白及Bletilla ochracea不同生长发育期的菌根真菌多样性变化. 南昌大学学报,2020, 44(4): 346-353.

  24. 刁海欣,黄卫昌,曾歆花,苗利媛,黄清俊*. 三种白及属植物不同生长发育时期的菌根显微结构. 菌物学报,2020,39(12): 2392-2398.

  25. 刁海欣,黄清俊,苗利媛,曾歆花*,黄卫昌*. 土壤含水量对白及菌根真菌共生关系的影响. 江苏农业科学,2020,48(22): 122-130.

  26. 朱娇,黄卫昌*,曹建国,周翔宇. 白及属植物资源评价及其筛选.热带作物学报,2020,41(8): 1553-1559.

  27. 朱娇, 黄卫昌*. 小白及光合特性及其相关因子关系. 中国农学通报, 2019, 55(2): 209-217.

  28. 朱娇, 黄卫昌*, 曹建国, 周翔宇. 上海适生白及属植物的耐湿性评价及其生理机制研究. 植物生理学报, 2019, 55(2): 209-217.

  29. 易玲, 张之鹏, 黄卫昌, 罗火林, 熊冬金, 杨柏云*. 基于单纯形重心设计铁皮石斛栽培基质的优化. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2018, 42(3): 253-257.

  30. 田沂民, 钱俊婷, 李丽, 于翠, 黄卫昌, 易建平*. 兰花褐斑病菌可视化基因芯片检测技术. 植物检疫, 2018, 32(01): 46-49.

  31. 王程旺, 梁跃龙, 张忠, 廖文波, 黄卫昌, 杨柏云*. 江西省兰科植物新纪录. 森林与环境学报, 2018, 38(3): 367-371.

  32. 于子翔, 李丽, 俞禄珍, 杨翠云, 吴建祥, 黄卫昌, 于翠*. 建兰花叶病毒和齿兰环斑病毒联合免疫胶体金试纸条的研制及应用. 植物保护, 2017, 43(06): 139-143.






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