邮编 201632




组  长:杨俊,博士,洪堡学者,研究员 
通讯地址:上海市松江区辰花路3888号上海辰山植物园科研中心 (201602) 

邮  箱:yangjun@csnbgsh.cn


  杨俊,男,博士,洪堡学者,研究员。长期从事甘薯遗传转化、基因组研究分析工作,聚焦于解析甘薯块根膨大机制、六倍体甘薯基因组组成和起源等,主要研究成果发表在Nature Plants,Molecular Plant,Nature Communications,Plant Science等国际著名学术期刊上,并应Frontiers in Plant Science杂志邀请作为客座副主编组织Genetics and Genomics of Polyploid Plants研究专题。杨俊带领团队在甘薯遗传学领域做出的开创性工作极大地推动了我国甘薯主产区的产业良性高速发展,获得了各级各部门奖励十余项,其中包括泰安市科学技术进步一等奖(2012)、山东省农业科学院科技开发成果奖(2013)、山东省科学技术进步三等奖(2019)和上海市青年拔尖人才(2020)等。


青年课题组长王红霞, 副研究员


邮箱:E-mail: hxwang@cemps.ac.cn


  王红霞,博士,副研究员,2007年河南大学硕士毕业,导师宋纯鹏教授。2014年获得中科院大学博士学位。先后获得中科院和国家基金委项目支持去英国John Innes Centre 和美国肯塔基大学访学。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目及重点研发专项等项目。主要开展甘薯次生代谢物如花青素的功能及修饰、白藜芦醇等研究,并延伸到甘薯储藏根发育、淀粉合成等研究,建立次生代谢物与储藏根发育的联系。首次在甘薯中运用基因编辑技术改良了淀粉的品质,从而加速了甘薯的定向育种。科研成果发表在Journal of Experimental Botany, Horticulture Research等杂志。获得泰安市科技进步二等奖,授权发明专利2项。


  旋花科进化研究组重点关注旋花科植物间的进化关系,采用比较基因组学为主,代谢组学为辅的研究手段。目前主要研究内容为:I. trifida,I. triloba,I. batatas和I. nil基因组的深度注释;菟丝子和牵牛花的比较基因组学研究和次生代谢产物分析。


  1. Fan WJ#, Zhang YD, Wu YL, Zhou WZ, Yang J, Yuan L, Zhang P*, Wang HX* (2021). The H+-pyrophosphatase IbVP1 regulates carbon flux to influence starch metabolism and yield in sweet potato. Horticulture Research, 8: 20.

  2. Pei Tianlin#, Yan Mengxiao#, Kong Yu, Liu Jie, Cui Mengying, Fang Yuming, Ge Binjie, Yang Jun*, Zhao Qing*. (2021). The genome of Tripterygium wilfordii and characterization of the celastrol biosynthesis pathway. Gigabyte, 1-32.

  3. Chen M#, Fan W#, Ji F#, Hua H, Liu J, Yan M, Ma Q, Fan J, Wang Q, Zhang S, Liu G, Sun Z, Tian C, Zhao F, Zheng J, Zhang Q, Chen J, Qiu J, Wei X, Zhang P*, Pei D*, Yang J*, Huang X*. (2020) Genome-wide identification of agronomically important genes in outcrossing crops using OutcrossSeq. Molecular Plant (Accepted).

  4. Eserman LA, Sosef MSM, Simão-Bianchini R, Utteridge TMA, Barbosa JCJ, Buril MT, Chatrou LW, Clay K, Delgado G, Desquilbet TE, Ferreira PPA, Allende JRG, Hernández AL, Huerta-Ramos G, Jarret RL, Kojima RK, Landrein S, Lourenço JAAM, Man ID, Miller RE, More S, Moreira ALC, Mwanga-Mwanga I, Nhanala S, Pastore M, Petrongari FS, Pisuttimarn P, Pornpongrungrueng P, Rifkin J, Santos FDS, Shimpale VB, Silva SS, Stinchcombe JR, Traiperm P, Vasconcelos LV, Wang ML, Villordon A, Yang J, Yencho GC, Heider B, Simões ARG. (2786) Proposal to change the conserved type of Ipomoea, nom. cons. (Convolvulaceae). Taxon. (2020), 69 (6): 1369-1371.

  5. Pei Tianlin#, Yan Mengxiao#, Kong Yu, Liu Jie, Cui Mengying, Fang Yuming, Ge Binjie, Yang Jun*, Zhao Qing*. (2020). The genome analysis of Tripterygium wilfordii reveals TwCYP712K1 and TwCYP712K2 responsible for oxidation of friedelin in celastrol biosynthesis pathway. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2020.06.29.176958.

  6. Moeinzadeh M#*, Yang J#, Muzychenko E, Gallone G, Heller D, Reinert K, Haas S, Vingron M. (2020) Ranbow: A fast and accurate method for polyploid haplotype reconstruction. PLOS Computational Biology. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007843.

  7. Li X, Wang P, Li J, Wei S, Yan Y, Yang J, Zhao M, Langdale JA, Zhou W. (2020) Maize GOLDEN2-LIKE genes enhance biomass and grain yields in rice by improving photosynthesis and reducing photoinhibition. Communications Biology 3(1):151. doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0887-3.

  8. Yang J*, Wang Z*, Jiang Y* and Fei S*. (2019) Editorial: Genetics and Genomics of Polyploid Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 934.

  9. Zhao Q#, Yang J#, Cui M, Liu J, Fang Y, Yan M, Qiu W, Shang H, Xu Z, Yidiresi R, Weng J, Pluskal T, Vigouroux M, Steuernagel B, Wei Y, Yang L, Hu Y, Chen XY, Martin C. (2019) The Reference Genome Sequence of Scutellaria baicalensis Provides Insights into the Evolution of Wogonin Biosynthesis. Molecular Plant 12(7):935-950.

  10. Wang H#, Wu Y#, Zhang Y, Yang J, Fan W, Zhang H, Zhao S, Yuan L*, Zhang P*. (2019) CRISPR/Cas9-Based Mutagenesis of Starch Biosynthetic Genes in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) for the Improvement of Starch Quality. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(19): 4702.

  11. Quispe-Huamanquispe DG, Gheysen G, Yang J, Jarret R, Rossel G, Kreuze JF. (2019) The horizontal gene transfer of Agrobacterium T-DNAs into the series Batatas (Genus Ipomoea) genome is not confined to hexaploid sweetpotato. Scientific Reports 9(1):12584. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48691-3.

  12. Singh D, Sergeeva L, Ligterink W, Aloni R, Zemach H, Doron-faigenboim A,Yang J, Zhang P, Shabtai S, Firon N* (2019). Gibberellin Promotes Sweetpotato Root Vascular Lignification and Reduces Storage-root Formation. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01320

  13. Yang J*, and Huang X*. (2018) A new high-quality genome sequence in soybean. Science China Life Sciences 61:1-2.

  14. Zhao Q#, Yang J#, Liu J, Cui M, Fang Y, Qiu W, Shang H, Xu Z, Wei Y, Yang L, Hu Y, Chen XY, Martin C. (2018) A draft reference genome sequence for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. bioRxiv, 398032.

  15. Wang H*, Wang C, Fan W, Yang J, Appelhagen I, Wu Y, Zhang P* (2018) A novel glycosyltransferase catalyses the transfer of glucose to glucosylated anthocyanins in purple sweet potato. Journal of Experimental Botany 69(22):5444-5459.

  16. Yang J#, Moeinzadeh M#, Kuhl H, Helmuthj, Xiao P, Haas S, Liu G, Zheng J, Sun Z, Fan W, Deng G, Wang H, Hu F, Zhao S, Fernie AR, Boerno S, Timmermann B, Zhang P* & Vingron M*. (2017) Haplotype-resolved sweet potato genome traces back its hexaploidization history. Nature Plants 3: 696–703.

  17. An D, Ma Q, Wang H, Yang J, Zhou W, Zhang P (2017) Cassava C-repeat binding factor 1 gene responds to low temperature and enhances cold tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis and cassava. Plant Molecular Biology 94(1-2):109-124.

  18. Fan WJ, Wang HX, Wu YL, Yang N, Yang J, Zhang P (2017) H+-pyrophosphatase IbVP1 promotes efficient iron use in sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 15: 698-712.

  19. 胡永红, 杨舒婷, 杨俊, 万吉尔, 陈晓亚. (2017) 植物园支持城市可持续发展的思考——以上海辰山植物园为例. 生物多样性 09: 951~958

  20. 孙哲, 范维娟, 刘桂玲, 田昌庚, 张鹏, 柳洪鹃, 杨俊, 赵丰玲, 史春余. (2017) 干旱胁迫下外源ABA对甘薯苗期叶片光合特性及相关生理指标的影响. 植物生理学报 53 (5): 873–880

  21. 杨俊, 范维娟, 王红霞, 赵姗姗, 吴银亮, 张鹏. (2017) 番薯属植物基因组测序最新进展. 植物生理学报 53 (5): 768–771

  22. 吴银亮, 王红霞, 杨俊, 范维娟, 杨楠, 殷旻昊, 张鹏. (2017) 甘薯储藏根形成及其调控机制研究进展. 植物生理学报 53 (5): 749–757

  23. 赵姗姗, 杨俊. (2017) 中药菟丝子的研究现状与展望. 植物学研究. 6 (3): 175-184.

  24. Wang H, Yang J, Zhang M, Fan W, Firon N, Pattanaik S, Yuan L, Zhang P. (2016) Altered phenylpropanoid metabolism in the maize Lc-expressed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) affects storage root development. Scientific Reports 6: 18645. 














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2019级:王运泽 赵佳敏 张丽

2020级: 方毅杰 王心怡 王玉琴 张孟州 郑臻颖